Book your 1:1 session with the App Fuel team

We analyse dozens of apps every week, provide inspirations and share our learnings. We hope that you like it and find all you want.

If you’re looking for more, get your 1:1 consulting session with the App Fuel team to take your app to the next level. Whether you are at the ideation step or you have already launched, we will audit your app and provide you with actionnable recommendations in a 30-min call.

Also, this is completely free.

How it works?
(1) Choose a slot that works for you and (2) Give us some details about your app and the questions you want to cover. No worry, booking a slot does not commit you to anything!

What we offer
Detailed feedback on your product with in-depth analysis of user flows
Advice on your pricing strategy: plans, prices, activation flows...
Recommendation of best practices to implement based on our benchmark
Suggestion of apps to watch and people to follow to get inspired
And many more...